
17 posts tagged with "copyedit"

Hiring Freelancers When You’re A Freelancer

July 21, 2022

It happens. Sometimes you’re hired for a project that is simply too big to do on your own. Then, you become a freelancer in need of freelancers.

Although you found a client willing to work with you based on your credentials, the moment you become the intermediary, everything changes. Now, it’s up to you to find someone you think is qualified not only to work for you, but to work on this specific project.

How do you set yourself up as a freelancer managing freelancers when the client is...

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Is the Conclusion Really Forgone?

August 17, 2022

This may be the ‘older’ writer in me, but I have to devote this entire blog to conclusions. They seem to be missing in so much writing today and I lament their exit.

I’ve loved wrapping up a writing piece with a beautiful conclusion since we covered the 5-paragraph essay form in school. If you have an introduction, there must be a conclusion. So, why do I feel like I’m the only one writing one?

This issue came to my attention during a recent project where I was refreshing old content for a...

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Is It Okay to Repurpose Content?

October 19, 2022

Being a content creator today is weird. There are things you can do, as a writer today, that would have never happened twenty+ years ago when I was learning how to be a writer. How you research content is different (thanks Google) and how you use content is different. It’s even okay to re-use content, if you do it right.

Coming up in this business, originality meant everything. When you wanted to say something that someone else already said, you found someone to quote on the subject to keep...

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Stop Being so Redundant

July 19, 2023

Yes, I’m talking to all of you. This is something we’ve all been guilty of, but it’s time to stop the insanity. Even if AI is now doing most of your writing, you’re still editing, and avoiding unnecessary words at all cost should now be your new mantra.

What am I talking about you ask? Well, when you use two words in a row with essentially the same meaning, it’s known as a tautology. Fancy words aside, it’s ultimately saying the same thing twice. It’s a redundancy.

We’ve accepted many of...

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Read it Backward

October 18, 2023

Proofreading is a massive skill. You may think you’re good at it — that you can edit and proof at the same time — but let me just say that, from personal experience, this is VERY HARD. Yes, it’s ‘all caps’ hard. That’s because your eye is the ultimate auto corrector. Read fast enough and it will ‘fix’ what’s wrong in your writing before your hands have a chance to. This can lead to frustrating errors, noticed once it’s way too late.

This makes me crazy. Not because I’m a perfectionist. I...

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