
53 posts tagged with "writer"

Taking on the right amount of work

April 18, 2018

Being a freelancer is typically synonymous with project management. You’re most likely going to be managing multiple clients and freelance assignments on any given day, each with their own benchmarks and deadlines to keep track of and maintain. You might be required to attend some virtual meetings or planning sessions, you might need to be available for email at certain times of the day — each project will bring a unique set of criteria and require a specific amount of your time to complete....

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Looking Back

May 17, 2018

My first year as a freelancer has come to a close. It’s pretty amazing to look back and see how lucky I’ve been to have steady work kicking off from about a month after I lost my full-time job, and continuing on today. I’ve had long-term and short-term clients, a variety of projects, and am constantly on the lookout for new opportunities to ensure I always have work to do. It’s a never-ending process of completing assignments while trying to get a foot in the door to start on something else,...

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Being a content writer is about following directions

June 14, 2018

The most important thing to remember as a freelance writer or copyeditor is to follow directions. It’s as straightforward as that. Yes, you should have developed a talent for writing, and you should really be adept at researching content effectively to find those golden nuggets of information to utilize, but beyond all that…follow directions.

Simply put, you’re getting paid to write exactly what someone else wants. Even with a modicum of creative control, you’re still obligated to adhere to...

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Finding balance

August 16, 2018

When people ask me what I do for a living, I usually stumble for a second. Am I a freelancer? Stay-at-home mom? Am I full-time? Part-time? I tend to get a little cheeky in my response, telling people that I’m a freelance writer and part-time stay-at-home mom, because honestly, that’s what it feels like. When my kids aren’t home, when they’re at school or at other activities, I’m all about the work, but when they’re home it gets a little more complicated. I know there are a lot of parents out...

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Am I ready to shift to a freelance career?

September 18, 2018

I kind of had an inking that full-time work was becoming too much for me even before losing my corporate job. I’d get to the end of my eight-hour day exhausted, not able to fully invest in spending time with my family in the evenings. It got frustrating, and I wasn’t sure exactly what to do about it until the universe gave me helping hand - I lost my job.

It had been an ideal set-up since I worked full-time from home. I could pick up my kids from school or run out to meet the bus, and I had...

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